App Sphere B2B

Open to All 140 Kerala State Constituencies.

Exclusive Franchise Opportunity with Source Pro B2B

At Source Pro B2B, our commitment extends beyond merely existing in the market; we are dedicated to reshaping the landscape of school and office supplies. Our revolutionary mobile application and forward-thinking strategies are poised to establish us as pioneers in the sector, providing streamlined solutions across various industries.
Excitingly, we are announcing our expansion plans through franchising opportunities. Source Pro B2B foresees an annual sales turnover of 1500 crores, showcasing significant growth potential and unprecedented pathways to success. By joining hands with us, you’ll become part of a dynamic network that upholds innovation, quality, and exceptional service.

Here’s what sets Source Pro B2B apart

Detailed elaboration of work flow for potential franchise owners regarding
their engagement with the Source Pro B2B mobile application:

Cutting-edge Mobile Application

Our state-of-the-art app offers a seamless platform, ensuring convenience, efficiency, and a competitive edge in the market.

Scalable Business Model

Built on a solid foundation and proven strategies, our company offers a scalable model for exponential growth and expansion.

Projected Annual Sales Turnover

Anticipating an annual turnover of 1500 crores, we present an unparalleled opportunity for financial success and stability.

Endless Growth Potential

As a franchisee, you'll gain access to our comprehensive support system and resources, empowering remarkable growth in your entrepreneurial journey.

Benefits of Franchise owners

Franchise owners have the opportunity to introduce their own products within this
network, thus establishing a marketplace spanning the entirety of Kerala.

Reduced Capital Requirements.

Operating a business without the need for extensive stock-keeping significantly reduces the initial capital required. Typically, in a traditional distribution model, maintaining inventory can tie up a substantial amount of capital. However, with Source Pro B2B, you purchase goods only after securing orders from retailers, reducing significant upfront investment in inventory. By purchasing goods only after securing orders, you eliminate the risk of overstocking and having unsold inventory. This ensures that you only buy what you need, reducing waste and associated costs.

Lower Operating Costs

Without the burden of storing inventory, associated costs such as warehousing, insurance, and inventory management are minimized or eliminated. Warehousing expenses, which include rent, utilities, and maintenance, can be a significant financial burden for businesses. By removing the need for these resources, businesses can significantly reduce their overhead expenses. This reduction in overhead allows for better allocation of resources to other critical aspects of the business, such as marketing, product development, and customer service. Consequently, the overall profitability of the business can increase as more funds are available to drive growth and innovation.

Minimized Risk

Retailers onboarded by the franchisees receive orders from end customers, each of whom has been connected through Source Pro B2B. By connecting retailers and end customers efficiently, Source Pro B2B guarantees a consistent and steady order flow, driving growth for both retailers and franchisees. This system not only enhances sales volume but also fosters stronger customer relationships, as retailers can quickly fulfill specific demands, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. The continuous influx of orders supports the scalability of the business and ensures sustained revenue growth, making it a robust model for long-term success.

Focus on Sales and Service

Without the need to manage inventory, franchisees can offer tens of thousands of products to retailers through Source Pro B2B. Freed from the hassle of collecting orders, they can focus more on sales, customer service, and building client relationships within their assigned territories. This customer-centric approach enables franchisees to meet client needs promptly and efficiently. Additionally, franchisees enjoy the same margin levels as traditional distributors who operate with stock and warehouses, ensuring they remain competitive and profitable.


In conclusion, Source Pro B2B represents a game-changing opportunity for franchisees, offering them the ability to operate with minimal upfront investment compared to building a system from scratch. By eliminating the complexities of inventory management and order collection, franchisees can efficiently provide a wide array of products to retailers while focusing on sales, enhancing customer service, and fostering client relationships in their designated territories. Moreover, maintaining competitive margin levels ensures franchisees can achieve sustainable profitability and effectively manage cash flow. This innovative model not only accelerates business growth but also positions franchisees for long-term success in today’s competitive market landscape.

Benefits for Retailers

Unlocking Enhanced Profitability and Market Reach. Experience streamlined procurement, diverse product offerings, and minimized financial risk, while enabling retailers to independently establish a robust online presence and maximize customer satisfaction.

Everything Under One Roof

Having the ability to source all products under one roof offers significant advantages for retailers. It streamlines the procurement process, saving time and reducing the complexity of dealing with multiple suppliers. This consolidation results in better pricing through bulk purchasing and reduces logistics and shipping costs. Furthermore, it ensures consistent product quality and availability, minimizing the risk of stockouts and enhancing customer satisfaction. With a single, reliable source for all their inventory needs, retailers can focus more on sales, customer service, and growing their business, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

Enhancing Retail Profitability.

Retailers stand to significantly bolster their profitability by sourcing products through Source Pro B2B, which empowers retailers to secure products at rates that either match or enhance their current profit margins. By reducing sourcing costs and minimizing overhead associated with traditional procurement channels, retailers can allocate resources more effectively towards marketing, customer experience, and expansion initiatives. Ultimately, leveraging Source Pro not only improves profitability but also strengthens a retailer’s competitive position in the market, ensuring sustained growth and resilience in dynamic retail landscapes.

Digital Transformation.

In the face of rising online sales that challenge traditional shopkeepers; retailers can stand out by leveraging the Source Pro B2B mobile application to offer direct online shopping experiences to their customers. This innovative tool empowers all retailers, from established stores to street hawkers, to independently manage their online presence and compete effectively in a digital marketplace and offer tens of thousands of products to their customers. By embracing digital transformation with this solution, retailers can expand their product offerings, reach a broader audience, and significantly increase their sales potential in an increasingly digital economy. This strategic shift not only enhances profitability but also fortifies their brand and positions them for sustained success amidst changing retail dynamics.

Just-In-Time Expansion

Retailers can elevate their small traditional stores to hypermarket levels without the need to physically store expensive products themselves. By leveraging just-in-time supply principles through Source Pro B2B, retailers can offer a diverse range of high-value items without the financial risk of maintaining large inventories. Operating online locally and engaging with familiar customers allows retailers to minimize returns and enhance the overall shopping experience. This strategic approach not only maximizes flexibility in product offerings but also reduces overhead costs associated with storage and inventory management. Ultimately, it positions retailers to efficiently meet customer demand while optimizing profitability and customer satisfaction in their local markets.

Retail With Source Pro

Retailers can enhance profitability and elevate their traditional stores to hypermarket levels with Source Pro B2B, the world’s first-of-its-kind platform. This innovative solution streamlines procurement, ensuring better pricing, consistent product quality, and enhanced customer satisfaction. By using just-in-time supply principles, retailers can offer a diverse range of high-value items without the financial risks of large inventories. Source Pro B2B’s digital tools enable direct online shopping experiences, expanding product offerings and reaching a broader audience while minimizing returns. This groundbreaking approach maximizes operational flexibility, reduces overhead costs, and fortifies retailers’ existence, leading to sustained growth and profitability in the evolving retail landscape.